Latest Episodes

8 Steps to Trust Deed Investing
In this episode, Kate Butta, Business Development Executive, goes over the 8 Steps to Trust Deed Investing at Ignite Funding. Timecodes: 1:35 Step 1...

New Investment Opportunity | Assisted Living in Arizona
Bonus Episode! Brock Metzka covers the details of the newest investment opportunity at Ignite Funding, The Yuma Care Loan! Brock Metzka is the Owner...

Market Outlook ft. Rhino Investments Group
Sanjiv Chopra is back for another episode really diving into his business and commercial real estate! Sanjiv is the Chief Executive Officer and founder...

New Investment Opportunity | Rhino Investments Talks New 11% Loan
Bonus Episode! Want to invest in real estate but don't know where to start? Sanjiv Chopra covers the details of Rhino Investments newest investment...

5 Misconceptions of Trust Deed Investing
Dawn Pitts, Business Development Executive and Pat Vassar, Director of Underwriting, debunk the top 5 misconceptions of Trust Deed Investing. Misconceptions: Trust Deeds are...

Trust Deed VS Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Howard Robbins, Business Development Executive, discusses the 4 main differences between a Trust Deed and REIT. Topics in this episode: Liquidity Ability to diversify...